- International
Book Collectors Association
The International Book Collectors Association maintains this very
useful web site. Among the great amount of information presented here
are links to general information on books, preservation, and collecting.
One resource of particularly noteworthy is Glen Larson's guide to First
edition identification.
- Rare
Book and Manuscripts Section, ALA
The RBMS section of the ALA maintains a web page that provides much
information about this section of the ALA (i.e. its history, current
committees, conferences, and information about its newsletter and its
listserv). Additionally, this site has links to many special
collections and book resources available on the web.
- Antiquarian
Book Herald, The
This e-journal concerns itself with all aspects of books and the book
collecting world.
This is the home of the most prestigious and most respected
organization of antiquarian booksellers. This site not only gives
information on the booksellers associated with this organization, but
it also lists and provides information on the various book fairs that
are sponsored by the ABAA. Additional information, such as the
code of ethics, is available to those who would wish to view it.
- Lilly Library
This site devoted to Indiana University's world famous Lilly
Library. This site includes a virtual tour, library information, a
calander of events, a guide to its collections, and a guide to its
- Book Art Press
Provides information on the Book Art Press (located at the University
of Virginia), the publications of the press, and information on its
highly respected Rare Book School.
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